

刊期 館藏 附註
Applied Thermal Engineering BM 1996- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Building and Environment BM 1976- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Case Studies in Fire Safety SA 2014- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Chemical Engineering Journal BM 1997- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Fire chief M 2002-2013 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Fire protection engineering Q 2005-2017 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Fire Safety Journal Q 1977- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Insurance advocate BM 1995- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Q 1960- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Journal of environmental health 10/Y 1995- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Journal of Hazardous Materials BM 1975- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Journal of materials science BM 1997- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Journal of the air & waste management association (air & waste management association) M 1997- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Journal of the energy institute(Elsevier Science) Q 1997- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Kirkus reviews M 2001- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Mechanical engineering M 1993- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Modern power systems M 1993- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Occupational hazards M 1997- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Occupational health M 2002-2017 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Pipeline & gas journal M 1997- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Pollution engineering M 1998-2014 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Power M 2009- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Procedia Engineering IR 2012- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute IR 2000- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Professional safety M 1997- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Risk: health safety & environment Q 1998-2012 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Safety Science M 1991- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Security: solutions for enterprise security leaders M 1997- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Systems Engineering Procedia BM 2011- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Traffic world W 1995- 電子版_EBSCOhost OmniFile
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology M 1986- 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)


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