

刊期 館藏 附註
ACM transactions on graphics Q 2006-2016 紙本
ACM transactions on programming languages and systems BM 2006-2015 紙本
Chung Hua journal of science and engineering Q 2005 紙本
Digital Signal Processing BM 2008 紙本
Digital Signal Processinglink_icon BM 1995-2016 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)
Electronics letters 25/Yr 2004-2007 紙本
IEE Jnl. on selected areas in communications 9/Yr 2004-2016 紙本
IEEE transactions on education Q 2006-2015 紙本
IET Communications 18/Yr 2007-2012 紙本
IET Communications 18/Yr 2007-2012 紙本
Information systems management Q 2006-2015 紙本
Information systems management Q 2006-2015 紙本
Information technology for development Q 2006-2008 紙本
International journal of communication systems 10/Y 2004-2008 紙本
International journal of technology and engineering education SA 2004-2010 紙本
Mechanics research communications BM 2004-2008 紙本
Mechanics research communicationslink_icon  Q 1995-2016 電子版_SDOL (OPEN ACCESS)


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