



刊期 館藏 附註
Applied linguistics 5/Y 2002-2014 紙本
College English BM 2000-2002 紙本
Educational Research Quarterly Q 1998-2015 紙本
ELT journal / Oxford University Press in association with the British Council Q 2002-2007 紙本
English for specific purposes Q 1998-2008 紙本
English for specific purposes Q 1995-2016 電子版_SDOL
Essential teacher Q 2004-2008 紙本
Foreign language annals Q 2005-2008 紙本
Journal of adolescent & adult literacy M 1998-2008 紙本
Journal of pragmatics M 2002-2008 紙本
Journal of pragmatics M 1995-2016 電子版_SDOL
Language and education Q 1998-2007 紙本
Language and speech Q 1998-2015 紙本
Language arts BM 1998-2014 紙本
Language learning Q 1997-2008 紙本
Language learning Q 1996-2011 電子版_Wiley
Language testing 4/Y 2005-2011 紙本
Reader's digest M 2003-2016 紙本
Studies in English Language and Literature SA 1996-2016 紙本
Studies in second language acquisition Q 1997-2007 紙本
TESL Canada journal = Revue TESL du Canada SY 1998-2008 紙本
Tesol Matters BM 1997-2000 紙本
TESOL quarterly / Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Q 1997-2012 紙本
The Canadian modern language review = La revue canadienne des langues vivantes Q 2004-2015 紙本
The language educator BM 2006-2008 紙本
The Modern language journal Q 1998-2008 紙本
The Modern language journal Q 1996-2011 電子版_Wiley
Time W 1992-2017 紙本
Time Studies M 1998-2005 紙本
What's Working M 1998-2004 紙本


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