刊名 |
刊期 | 館藏 | 附註 |
Administration in social work | 5/Yr | 2005-2013 | 紙本 |
Clinical social work journal | Q | 2004-2008 | 紙本 |
Clinical social work journal | Q | 1973-2010 | 電子版_SpringerLink |
Family therapy | Q | 2004-2008 | 紙本 |
Jouranl of women & aging | Q | 2005 | 紙本 |
Journal of social service research | 5/Yr | 2004-2015 | 紙本 |
Journal of teaching in social work | Q | 2004-2014 | 紙本 |
Personality & social psychology bulletin | M | 2004-2011 | 紙本 |
Policy & practice | Q | 2004-2015 | 紙本 |
Social work | Q | 2004-2014 | 紙本 |
Social work education | 8/Yr | 2004-2015 | 紙本 |
The American journal of psychology | Q | 2004-2012 | 紙本 |
The British journal of social work | 8/Yr | 2004-2015 | 紙本 |
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